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Workout Wednesday – A Guest Post

For the first time ever here at my Beach, I have asked for a Guest Post.  To break up things up a bit, I asked my girlfriend Lori to write up a guest post workout for us today. Lori and I have known each other almost all our lives we met in Kindergarten and went all through High School together.  Lori and I were cheerleaders together and given my height I was the base of the pyramid and Lori stood on my shoulders.  Now if you want a workout, that was a great one. We now haven’t seen each other in about 9 years.  You see Lori lives in Texas and as much as we would love to see each other we are just that far apart that it doesn’t happen.

Lori is a mother of three and the owner of Amped Up Fitness and trains to compete as a Professional Fitness Competitor and Fitness Model. I am very proud of Lori’s achievements and am honoured that she offered to provide a workout for us here.


For a Quick and Challenging Indoor Workout – Keeping Warm N Sweaty In The Cold…

Try this routine in a giant circuit: (meaning consecutively through then start at the top for a second or third round depending on your time constraints)

50 Bicycles
10 stationary forward lunges then 10 on the other leg
15 jump squats (squat down then explode up and land in a squat again)
Max Rep Push Ups – on Knees or “Big Boy Style”
20 Dips off a chair
15 Forward Kicks then switch legs and do 15 on the other leg
50 Jumping Jacks
Repeat through 2 or 3 sets

**disclaimer: I, Anna, am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer. I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again. I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer. I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Workout Wednesday

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