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Pain in the Head

This is the second time that I have gotten a terrible headache after J has played with a certain friend.  I am not sure if it is coincidence or not, but I can tell you that just looking at the computer is making me want to weep.  So, today’s post is going to be short and sweet.

The cold artic air?  Gone at least until the weekend, which was great, we got to walk to school again and the kids were able to play outside. That is a blessing in the Wintertime.

Fabric?  I spent the day cutting stuff out, Laptop Sleeves, Cord Bags, Diaper Pouches, Coffee Cozies.  And J asked me to make a case for his DS, so I cut one of those out as well.  Cutting out the fabric is my least favorite part about sewing, so I thought I would get a bunch done all at once, then I can just whip them off at the machine when I get a few spare moments.

Lego?  I also spend a good couple of hours (or so it seemed) building all the ‘guys’ in J’s Lego collection.  The bodies were all in peices, no pants, no shirts, no hands, no heads.  I stared with the shirts and pants matching them all up, then added hands and finally heads.  Tomorrow will see us match up hair and or hats, man oh man.  Next Lego project, rebuilding all the ships.

Photos?  None for you today, but I did take a few in the last couple of days, my head just hurts that much.

And on that note, I am going to sign off my short and sweet post and shut this puppy down before I do actually start to weep.

Categories: Randomness

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  • Chantal January 19, 2009, 9:48 pm

    OOh head aches are the worst. Take care!

  • bethanyactually January 19, 2009, 11:09 pm

    Is it possible the change in weather is to blame for your headache? Whenever the weather changes quickly, I get bad headaches. A couple of weeks ago when the weather here went from cool and gray to sunny and warm, I had bad headaches every day for about a week! The same thing happens if it suddenly gets stormy or rainy. Something to do with the barometric pressure, I guess.

    In any case, headaches are no fun! Feel better soon!

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